REKT Coin Information

Get REKT – Get Paid!

REKT is the official meme coin for crypto and stock investors who have been wrecked. REKT is verified and legit. Despite the name, this coin pays 1% for buy and 6% of sell transactions to investors. Ironically, you don’t have to worry about being wrecked when you own REKT, there are no rug pulls or scams here.

It pays to get REKT!

One of the newest coins in the Bag Holder Club portfolio!

This coin was stealth launched on 9-17-2022. We choose to stealth launch to avoid hype and trading bots that could cause price swings. Team is doxxed and blockchain contract is renounced, meaning it is decentralized and no one controls it, leaving no chance of your account getting REKT.

REKT Crypto Coin

REKT Token Information

Contract Address: 0x0F2D2Dda850b50Ed60cB43ab8093a436Fa11D5EF

Ticker Symbol: REKT

We’ve provided an easy to use DEX that makes it simple to buy REKT

The tool below is preconfigured to make it easy to buy or sell. This is very helpful for people who are new to crypto and not accustomed to adding/importing custom tokens. It also reduces the risk of incidentally adding the wrong token.

Use the secure tool below to buy on PooCoin:

If your browser does not support the DEX tool above you can use one of the links below for as an alternative swapping DEX.

Buy on Pancake Swap:

Swap on PooCoin:


REKT has specific properties or “Tokenomics” built into each transaction that benefit holders, provides liquidity and supports marketing for brand awareness.

Low Entrance Fees and 6% reflections paid to holders in WBNB

Buy & Sell Tokenomics

Buy Tokenomics (3% slippage)

1% dividend distributed to holders
1% liquidity burned
1% distributed to marketing

Sell Tokenomics (10% slippage)

6% dividend distributed to holders
2% liquidity burned
2% distributed to marketing

The REKT tokenomics are simple and provides a channel for all investors to earn a passive income with low entrance fees from crypto assets that compound over time.

Join the Community

Join the community! Get questions answers to questions and interact with other shitcoin bag holders.

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Other Important Links & Tips

You will need to add WBNB as a token to see the reflections being earned. If you have any problems or questions reach out in the Bag Holder telegram where there are plenty of experienced people that are more than happy to help. You will meet new friends 100% guaranteed.

BSC Scan:


Bog Finance:

REKT is a Unique a Meme Coin

Its the only REKT meme coin out there! Imposters will surely try to follow but there is only one official REKT crypto coin.

REKT Provides Smart Investors with Passive Income

REKT was created to be a meme coin that provides passive income for investors who have been wrecked. It’s truly community driven and decentralized – which means no one owns it.

Holders share piece of each transaction on the network, these are called reflections. REKT pays 6% in reflections on each sell transaction.

We’ve Safeguarded Investors

You can trust REKT because there is no advantage over investors by the creators because we fair launched and have a renounced contract. In other words, token is not “owned” by anyone, the contract was relegated to a dead address. So even the creator has no special privileges. In addition the creator had to buy shares at the same price as all other investors. This is called a fair launch where owners and developers have no advantage over regular investors. To help protect our holders, we took protective measures on REKT to safeguard all holders from whales, rug pulls, bot snipers and other scamming tactics. For those who don’t know what those are, its technical but they are tactics that scammers and people with malicious intent use to steal your money or assets.

We believe it is critically important to do all we can protect investors.

Inherent Future Growth

It is expected that some parts of the crypto craze will fizzle out like a fad over the next couple years. However, the momentum induced by public awareness, acceptance and technology development will continue to grow – REKT will grow right along side this movement because it is built on and paired liquidity with the backbone of the third largest blockchain on the Globe.


We will never ask for your wallet keys and you should never share them with anyone. Always check the web address of the exchange you are using.